Blog #16


Not a time goes by when I see a CALL FOR ARTISTS that my adrenaline doesn’t start to flood my creative veins and race to read the request. I LOVE the idea of Call For Artists and can’t open the link fast enough. How many have I actually responded to in a span of 20 years? Answer, about 5. Yes, this is a very sad number in my world. Why, because they are handing you a chance to get noticed/printed/experienced/better etc.!! This is an actual invitation for you to send them your work/painting/poem or whatever other creative endeavor that stirs your soul. 

So the question is, “what the hell am I waiting for?” I’m always whining (in my humble opinion) about not having Instagram and Facebook be my sole outlet for putting my work in front of the world at large. Additionally, my girlfriend asked me the other day “why are you not actively looking for art fairs to participate in?” The recent call for artists and that question led me to an epiphany of sorts. Can anybody guess what it ALWAYS comes back to?? Yes, FEAR. Damnit, I hate it. I hate everything about that feeling, word, or emotion.

However, I won't turn this into a therapy session about overcoming fear. I will suggest, highly, to respond to those Call For Artists, as often as you can. Obviously, if it’s photography and you're a painter it won’t be a good fit, but I think you get my drift. These opportunities are literally knocking on your canvas/camera/computer! 

I too, am aware that some companies just want free art. I have been subject to that and it’s really a personal decision you need to make for yourself. But for the most part, it is art companies, galleries, organizations who legitimately present these opportunities.

For me, my crooked and tainted brain always tells me I don’t have anything that fits, or it’s not my type of subject or I won’t win anyway. Yes, ALL THE TIME it will echo in my creative sphere. So, I recently challenged myself to a call for artists and I’m honestly a little confused about the subject, do not think I have a chance in hell of winning, and don’t know how I am going to proceed. But I am NOT going to NOT submit it. The deadline is March 11th. I have already begun thinking of new and unusual images, tools, and concepts I am going to try that I would have never entered my realm of creativity had I not decided to participate. 

Who cares if I don’t win. I love the idea of the challenge, the use of new tools, the expansion of my creative focus, and most of all it’s really f@$#Q#$% fun!!! 

I would love links and other information regarding Call For Artists if you have any to share. See below for a few links that provide a call for artists (they range from International, National, and local depending on your area). The second link is the one I am currently trying to produce a piece of artwork for. Now, go get in the game and screw the results!! You can’t lose.


Blog #17


Blog #15